
Brain Drain

I’ve had a call with one of my Masterminds today. I almost skipped it because I thought I had little to report back since last week. In fact, I skipped that particular Mastermind call for a few weeks now.

I didn’t feel the mental energy and capacity to talk to my Mastermind group colleagues. I was ashamed of how little had accomplished in recent weeks and wasn’t ready to hear their tough questions. Those guys can really give some tough love when it’s needed. But that’s also the reason why I love them.

However, in the last minute I got myself together and joined the call. I was upfront with them about my recent brain drain, mental exhaustion and lack of motivation and vision. 2020 has been a tough and uninspiring year so far.

We focused almost completely on me for the next 60 minutes. Questions I should ask myself, plans I should map out in front of me and then execute on for a few months to see if they work, things I should consider doing, and so on.

I was utterly exhausted after the call, but it was also one of the best moments in recent weeks. It gave me hope and helped me to clear up a lot of mental fatigue. Just having this group of people, who I respect a lot, listen to me already helped so much. And then receiving really valuable feedback and ideas helped even more.

I’ll try to dedicate a longer and more detailed blog post some time this week to Masterminds and why I feel their so powerful. However, for today that’s it. I’m still processing my call from earlier today.

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