Personal Development

What do you love about yourself?

Today we went for a family hike to the same place we’ve been a couple of weeks ago. Out of the blue my wife asked me “What three things do you love most about yourself?”. I wasn’t able to answer her. There’s nothing I actually love about myself. At least I wasn’t able to pin-point […]

Personal Development

Time Apart

When you google for the term “time apart” you straight away get bombarded with headlines such as “Can time apart strengthen your relationship?” and “Reasons why you and your partner need time apart”. Tomorrow I’m going to catch the train from Valencia to Barcelona for a 3-day trip apart from the family. On Wednesday and […]

Personal Development

Alcohol / Dry January

Yep, Dry January is apparently a thing. So is Sober October. Back in the day you would just decide to cut out alcohol for a month and that’s it. Nowadays you need to give your challenge a funny name that rhymes with the month when you do the challenge. Alright, fine by me if it […]

Personal Development

School / 1%

Most days I just sit down in the evening and I’ve got a few ideas for topics in my head. Normally the blog posts are directly related to things that happened to me on that day or that affected that specific day. Today I thought quite early about the topic of Schools and Education as […]

Personal Development

Decision Fatigue

Alright, so I’m about to go on a short trip to Barcelona next week. All by myself. No wife or kids in the tow. A workation that ends with a meeting of some entrepreneurial friends on Thursday evening. I simply need to book my train journey and a hotel for two nights. That’s it. Sounds […]

Personal Development

Tracking / Expectations

Tracking. That’s an interesting topic. I’ve got a love-hate relationship with it. I love seeing success. I love money coming into my bank account. I love exceeding my own expectations. But I also hate stagnation. Money not coming into the bank account for a few days/weeks/months. Nothing happening. No progress. Failing my goals. At some […]

Personal Development

Inbox 0 Utopia

When you google “inbox 0” you get like a billion results telling you how to achieve the magical Inbox 0. Zero, zilch, nada emails in your email inbox. Wow! I’ve been there a few times in my life. Most recently in the first half of last year. Since then I had the To Do list […]

Personal Development


Is it just me, or is it impossible to concentrate these days? Back in the day, when I was a kid, living with my parents and going to school, I would easily knock out a new web project in a weekend. In fact, my online game Insel-Monarchie took me a bit more than a weekend […]

Personal Development

The Nature Compromise

Nature is something interesting. We seem to all need it to recharge but we end up destroying it in order to make space for cities and concrete jungles. And don’t take me wrong. I love cities. Whether it’s the craziness of Bangkok, the beautiful Old Town of Vilnius or my favourite city in the world, […]

Personal Development

(Personal) Systems

A few days ago, as I was walking with my son in the carrier along the beach, I listened to episode 371 of The Tim Ferriss Show – two and a half hours of Tim and his guest Ramit Sethi talking about automation, finances, processes, negotiation tactics and much more. For the first 15+ years […]