
Sick Day

Not all days are created equally. And not all blog posts are equal either. Even though this blog post will “damage” my average word count, there is nothing I can do about it. My daughter has fever and I’m looking after her all evening and night. Her health obviously comes first. However, there is actually […]


Dads vs. Mums

Two weeks ago, after I brought my daughter to her forest school I went myself for a walk into the forest while listening to a podcast. After some time I met one of the mums of a kid who also attends the forest school. We walked and talked for some time. Later on, I went […]


Electronics for kids…and dads!

Last year I jointed a coworking space in Valencia called Vortex. One of their members, who joined in the same week as me, is that Norwegian guy called Oyvind. He’s a nice guy with an interesting story, a maker attitude and an entrepreneurial spirit. Needless to say that I’m happy to surround myself with people […]


Sick Day

Lots of coughing. Ski trip cancelled. Family separated into two parts. That more or less sums up the past 24 hours. My daughter got ill in the night from Sunday to Monday. I’ve been looking after her for the past 24 hours while my wife took the baby and stays/sleeps in a different part of […]


Daddy Duties

After a fairly eventful and partly chaotic day, that started with me waking up early in order to get my daughter ready for her forest school day, all I wanted was to have a quiet Saturday night. However, 30 minutes before the shops were closing my wife told me that I should get a snow […]


10,000 Steps

So last week I got my new Fitbit. I started wearing it exactly a week ago and after a few days I thought something is really off. A few years ago, when I got my first Fitbit, I often struggled to get those magic 10,000 daily steps. If I remember correctly, I would probably hit […]

Personal Development

Time Apart

When you google for the term “time apart” you straight away get bombarded with headlines such as “Can time apart strengthen your relationship?” and “Reasons why you and your partner need time apart”. Tomorrow I’m going to catch the train from Valencia to Barcelona for a 3-day trip apart from the family. On Wednesday and […]