

That’s really a random one. I woke up this morning and thought about the coronavirus.

I haven’t paying a lot of attention to the news in recent years. I sporadically have times when I watch or read news for a few days or weeks and then I’m back at mainly ignoring them. I don’t see the value in “breaking news”.

However, I’ve read a few stories here and there from friends and acquaintances about the coronavirus. So far I never thought about stocking up on food, goggles and N95 masks.

Until this morning. Somehow I woke up and thought that I need to prepare myself.

Maybe it was the news that it got more intense in Italy. Or maybe the crashing stock market. Either way, I felt a bit uneasy. The feeling didn’t last long.

By lunch-time I had another 2-3 topics I wanted to talk about this evening.

You see, I don’t pre-write any of my blog posts and I don’t invest hours and hours into researching them. These 366 blog posts for 2020 are all part of my Challenge to write daily and are therefore more of a personal journal or diary. That’s also the reason why sometimes the blog post are rather short as I don’t have enough energy to invest more than 5-10 minutes into them. Other days I have enough energy to write decent sized blog posts.

Anyhow, so by lunch I thought about a few other topics I wanted to write about tonight, but then in the evening I got reminded once more that I am not at all prepared in case of an emergency.

We live in a world of 24/7 online shopping, Amazon Prime deliveries and supermarkets that work around the clock. That ultimately trained us to buy food and other products just shortly before we need them.

I’m not too worried, but with a wife and two kids at home, I might need to rethink a few emergency scenarios and plan ahead a bit better. Even if it’s just to calm me down and improve my sleep quality.

1 reply on “Coronavirus”

Bitcoin Mixer as the renown suggests is another mixer, which lets us combine Sinbad Bitcoin Mixer. It’s an onion-only mending, and the absence of a clearnet conception increases anonymity. Offers quite a touch of pilot to the users regarding portion arrangement and time-delays. Piece distribution can be specified manually, while time-delays can just be “selected” from the provided options. Reduced possible delay is 1hour, peak being 24 Hours, with multiple choices in between. Although “instant” payouts without any keep in a holding pattern are workable as well. A full of 5 productivity addresses can be specified for each mix. The cost isn’t user-controlled, and is plant at 1% of the mix. Each additional address costs an additional 0.000001 BTC. They do not aggregate any logs whatsoever. The minutest put away sine qua non is 0.0002 BTC, smaller deposits are considered donations and aren’t refunded.

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One certainly single crypto mixing rite is bitcoin mixer tor because it is based on the absolutely extraordinary model philosophy comparing to other services. A consumer does not at best deposit coins to amalgamate, but creates a billfold and funds it with chips from 0.01 BTC to 8.192 BTC which a purchaser can ruin down according to their wishes. After chips are included in the purse, a purse holder can plunk down coins to process. As the chips are sent to the mixing serving beforehand, next transactions are nowhere to be found and there is no occasion to connect them with the purse owner. There is no unremarkable recompense for transactions on this mixing checking: it uses “Pay what you like” feature. It means that the payment is randomized making transactions uninterrupted more incognito and the usefulness itself more affordable. Retention space is 7 days and every drug has a chance to manually explicit all logs former to this period. Another stamp scrambler Mixtum offers you a so-called independent inquisition stretch what means that there are no advice or arrangement wages charged. The transform of getting renewed coins is also entirely sui generis, as the tumbler requires a apply for to be sent down Tor or Clearnet and renewed coins are acquired from dynasty exchanges.

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