Personal Development


Just as I’m setting up some Google Analytics tracking, it got me thinking about the general topic of tracking. Tracking in business – Google Analytics, KPI’s, screen recordings, errors, user actions and financials. Tracking in life – weight, height, health, happiness, financials and much more. I feel like I’ve always been really bad with tracking […]

Personal Development


Last week, a guy who’s part of one of my Masterminds reached out to me via Slack. He wanted to talk about SEO and content marketing with me. He heard me talking a lot about content marketing and guest posting in one of our weekly Mastermind calls and was curious. Why not exchange ideas and […]

Personal Development

Asking For Help

Today, I was working on some improvements for the payment page at InvoiceBerry. I wanted to make the pricing and information once an offer had been applied more clear. After I finished all the technical stuff and displayed the correct information I went into my designer and pixel-pusher mode. I removed some margins, added some […]

Personal Development

Lifelong Learning

We go to primary school and after a few years that’s over. We then transfer to a secondary school and get our school diploma. As teenagers we long for those final days of school. We think it will be all over and we can finally enjoy life. Because it’s been so hard at school – […]

Personal Development

Masterminds or My Existential Crisis

Masterminds are interesting. About a year ago I didn’t even know they existed. If someone had mentioned the word Mastermind I would have shrug my shoulders and asked them what it is. Since spring of last year I’m part of not one, but two weekly Mastermind calls. One of the calls is part of the […]

Personal Development

Notification Slaves

That’s exactly what the modern society is – a bunch of Notification slaves. Addicts. At the end of 2018 we’ve been in London for 6 weeks during the pre-Christmas season. One day I had lunch with an old friend you confessed to me that he deleted the Facebook and Instagram apps off his phone. I […]

Personal Development


I’ve just once again realised how important structure is in life. I had to submit the VAT returns of the fourth quarter of 2019 for my company. The deadline in the UK is extremely business-friendly in my opinion. You can submit your VAT return one month and five days after the quarter ended. In comparison, […]

Personal Development

Jack of all trades

I’m still ill today, so I decided to take it easy. I came to my coworking space with a fairly short to do list. One of the points on it was to do my quarterly VAT returns. Now, the problem with being a jack of all trades is, that you simply know too many things […]

Personal Development

We’re not allowed to play with food

I’ve just had dinner with my daughter. We’ve had a bowl of roasted vegetables and potatoes and a plate full of steak and sausages. I took a piece of sausage and started playing with it. My daughter started laughing and really enjoyed the show daddy was putting on. Suddenly she said “No daddy, we’re not […]

Personal Development


I started writing this post yesterday, until I realised that it’s a Sunday and that means it was time for my weekly review. Yesterday, I had an argument with my 3-year old daughter. I had to take care of both my kids, my 3-year old daughter and my 2-month old son. When I finally had […]