It’s that time of the week again. Time to reflect and think about the stuff that went well this week and everything that didn’t go according to the plan. I’m still a bit in a limbo and 2020 hasn’t really started yet for me. At least not the good stuff. So far I’ve spent a […]
Dads vs. Mums
Two weeks ago, after I brought my daughter to her forest school I went myself for a walk into the forest while listening to a podcast. After some time I met one of the mums of a kid who also attends the forest school. We walked and talked for some time. Later on, I went […]
I’m a Builder
I build sandcastles. I build Lego. I build websites. I build projects. I build software. I build relationships. I build companies. I build a family. I build a legacy. Next time someone asks me what I do, instead of telling them about one thing I’ve done in recent history (InvoiceBerry), I’ll tell them about my […]
Beach & Coffee – Or The Good Life
Yes, sometimes there is nothing more to say than what has been said in the blog post title. It’s the good life. Waking up, spending time with the kids, walking to the town hall branch to pick up a certificate only to realise that it’s closed. Now what? Complain and worry? Nope, just pop into […]
Notification Slaves
That’s exactly what the modern society is – a bunch of Notification slaves. Addicts. At the end of 2018 we’ve been in London for 6 weeks during the pre-Christmas season. One day I had lunch with an old friend you confessed to me that he deleted the Facebook and Instagram apps off his phone. I […]
Brain Drain
I’ve had a call with one of my Masterminds today. I almost skipped it because I thought I had little to report back since last week. In fact, I skipped that particular Mastermind call for a few weeks now. I didn’t feel the mental energy and capacity to talk to my Mastermind group colleagues. I […]
I’ve just once again realised how important structure is in life. I had to submit the VAT returns of the fourth quarter of 2019 for my company. The deadline in the UK is extremely business-friendly in my opinion. You can submit your VAT return one month and five days after the quarter ended. In comparison, […]
The Weekly Review #5
I’ve already more or less portrait this last week in my January review. It’s fair to say that it has been the weakest and worst week of 2020 so far. The absence of routines and structure brought a lot of unproductivity and my wife got injured, too. The Bad I’ve been ill for most of […]
Sizzle, Sizzle, …
First BBQ of 2020 ✅ Today we went for a hike in the local Valencia area. A beautiful and family-friendly hike along a small stream with waterfalls. Perfect, until my wife sprained her ankle. Temperatures went up to 27 degrees in the sun, and it’s only the first day of February. Not bad! After we […]
The Monthly Review – January 2020
I’m still under the weather and try to keep these posts a bit shorter in order to maximise on rest-time and sleep. I haven’t thought through the structure of my monthly reviews yet, but I want to take my blog as a way to force myself to actually do monthly reviews. For years, maybe even […]